Event: 6th Hong Kong International Pillow Fight Day – April 2nd

Once more, we shall unleash our cushiony wrath in a ferocious feathery frenzy as April 2 marks Hong Kong’s 6th International Pillow Fight Day.

pillow fight day

Invite your friends on Facebook – meet at Central MTR Exit J2 at 5pm, Saturday April 2. BYOP (Bring Your Own Pillow!) and wait for the signal to begin.


Previous events: 2011 coverage, 2012 coverage2013 coverage, 2014 coverage, 2015 coverage.

+ No swinging at people without pillows or with cameras. 不能對手無寸鐵或攜帶相機的人作出攻擊”
+ Extra points for hilarious costumes. PYJAMAS AT LEAST! 穿得越特別越好,至少穿上睡衣作戰!”
+ Wait until the signal to begin. 抵達後,聽到信號先開始 +

directions to chater garden

pillow fight day

Photo: Nathan Tsui, United Social Press.

For lo – with great vehemence and spirited fury – we shalt prepare our fleecy headrests and pronounce: “You can take our freedom, but you cannot take our pillows!” 在情緒高漲及怒氣沖天的氣氛下, 我們拿起手上的軟軟綿綿的武器(枕頭) 並呼叫: “你可以拿走我的自由, 但你不能拿走我的枕頭!”

Bring your own pillow with case (no feathers!) and please take it easy. 請自備枕頭並枕頭套(謝絕羽毛枕頭)請不要太大力 Please be a good citizen: bring a trash bag & help clean up afterwards! 請攜帶一個垃圾袋, 做一個好公民, 互相廝殺後, 請清理任何留下的垃圾

We are not the ‘organisers’, everyone is an organiser! 我並不是組織者,所有參與者均一同有份
We are not responsible for anyone’s safety. 我不會為任何人的安全負責
Press/media are attending – you agree to be filmed by participating 多個傳媒將會出席採訪,請參與者有被拍攝的準備”