EVENT – 4th Hong Kong International Pillow Fight Day, April 5th (a Public Hol!)

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Prithee once more, we shall unleash our cushiony wrath in a ferocious feathery frenzy! For lo – with great vehemence and spirited fury – we shall prepare our fleecy headrests and pronounce: “You can take our freedom, but you cannot take our pillows!” Hongwrong.com plays host to Hong Kong’s biggest annual flashmob.


2014 marks the Fourth International Pillow Fight Day – the biggest yet, held on April 5th, 4pm at Chater Garden, Central.

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Previous events: 2011 coverage, 2012 coverage2013 coverage

2013 video:

Click here for a compilation of press coverage from last year’s event. Click here for photos.

2012 video:

2012 photos:

2011 video:

If you are a fellow blogger or a journalist hoping to cover or list the event, you can download a press pack here.

Download a press pack

現誠邀各位好友, 自備閣下的枕頭!

地點 :中環遮打花園 (中環港鐵站 J2 出口 http://goo.gl/maps/AAhnq)

等待信號聲一響起, 第三次香港枕頭大戰就一觸即發!

Prithee once more, we shall unleash our cushiony wrath in a ferocious feathery frenzy!

【温馨提示】屆時我們會將抑壓或積存在內心的憤怒/壓力, 在一片軟綿綿, 温柔, 柔软的棉花/羽毛海的大狂熱中釋放!

Hong Wrong is to blame for the city’s annual Pillow Fight Day every April…

A beady eye on cultural events across the territory…